In 1993 the New Hampshire legislature enacted a law requiring divorcing couples with minor children or parties in a parenting case to complete a Child Impact Seminar. This seminar, a four hour course, is called “Children First” and addresses the issues of divorce or separation and how they effect the children involved.
As explained on the NH Family Division website, Parents are required to complete the seminar and show the court a certificate of attendance from the program before a divorce decree is issued. The seminar is offered at multiple locations during weekend and evening hours. Parties who do not attend the seminar may be subject to sanctions by the court.
As found on the “Children First” website detailing the course, the seminar discusses several topics, including:
· Ways to promote self-esteem in your child during this difficult time
· What you can do to help your children adjust
· The impact of violence or chronic conflict upon children
· Behaviors to avoid
· Helpful communication styles
· Effective co-parenting skills
· How to be a role model
· Alternative dispute resolution
· Important points to remember
Blog Credit: Marisa Ulloa, Crusco Law Office Law Clerk