Please check out my recent You Tube video on the topic of same-sex divorce in New Hampshire. We’ll review length of marriage considerations, parenting rights for same-sex couples, and special property distribution issues in divorces for same-sex partners.
Defense of Marriage Act
Understanding Same-Sex Divorce
In November, I authored an article on same-sex marriages in the New Hampshire Bar News geared towards helping practioners understand unique issues in same-sex divorces. I reprint here the full article:
Practicing family law in one of the six states that recognizes same-sex marriage requires an understanding of the unique challenges that same-sex couples face…
Why Same-Sex Marriage and Divorce Requires a National Solution
Same-sex marriage and divorce needs a larger solution then the state’s rights approach. Texas Governor Rick Perry, a potential presidential candidate, recently discussed his views on New York’s legalization of same-sex marriage. Perry said: “You know what? That’s New York, and that’s their business, and that’s fine with me. Our federal government is engaged with far…
The election and same sex marriage
Although the country’s attention was, for the most part, focused upon the presidential election on November 4th, there were several ballot questions across the country regarding same-sex marriage. The most high profile was Proposition 8 in California, a ballot measure that passed and amended the state constitution to define marriage as between one…