For the next three months, the 2009 tax season is upon us. For divorcing couples, whether to file separately or jointly, who will claim the children and how to address alimony can add even more stress to the divorce and to tax season. However, Attorney Nancy Van Tine of the Massachusets Divorce Law Montior offers these five simple tax
Tax considerations for divorcing couples
By Kysa Crusco on
During a divorce, the tax consquences of a settlement often take a backseat to heated issues such as parenting rights and asset division. However, tax consquences can have a very big impact on the outcome of a case and are an important factor to consider. Attorney Jason C. Brown of Brown Law Offices, P.A. posted an informative piece…
Tax Issues for Couples in Civil Unions
By Kysa Crusco on
Posted in Civil Union, Same-Sex Marriage
As tax season is now behind us, many same-sex couples may have discovered that same-sex couples often pay higher taxes because they are not entitled to federal tax benefits regularly given to married couples. Additionally, same-sex couples must file separate federal returns and in most states, separate state returns. States that recognize civil unions or marriage…