There is a lot of talk about the H1N1 flu and the vaccines, and rightly so. 46 states are reporting widespread flu activity, and some New Hampshire schools are reporting absence rates of up to 30% . New Hampshire has activated the 2-1-1 state info line to answer questions about the flu and the vaccine.
Union Leader
Four new superior court judges nominated
Governor Lynch has nominated four new superior court judges, including Hillsborough County Attorney Marguerite Wageling, Richard McNamara, a civil litigator from Wiggin & Nourie, PA, David Garfunkel of Gallagher, Callahan & Gartrell, PC, and Jacalyn Colburn of the New Hampshire Public Defender. Each nominee must be confirmed by the Judicial Counsel.
Source: Union Leader Hillsborough…
98% of New Hampshire divorces are based on “no-fault”
Following up on my post earlier this week regarding the New Hampshire Supreme Court’s recent decision in Guy, the Union Leader published an article titled "Email fall short for fault-based divorce." The article includes interesting statistics on divorce in New Hampshire based on records from the New Hampshire Division of Vital Statistics Records Administration…
Governor Lynch plans to close eight New Hampshire district courts to reduce the budget
The Union Leader’s Kathryn Marchocki reports that included in Governor Lynch’s budget are plans to close eight district courts across New Hampshire. Governor Lynch hopes to save 2 million dollars by closing the courthouses. However, the savings come at the cost of making access to the judicial system more difficult for families. As the Union…
Tough economic times can lead to increased domestic violence
An article caught my attention today in the Union Leader titled "Recession can lead to depression" by Jason Schreiber. The article discusses the increased rate of domestic violence during tough economic times. Money is often the biggest stressor in a relationship, so it follows that during tough economic times, domestic violence will increase.
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