An article caught my attention today in the Union Leader titled "Recession can lead to depression" by Jason Schreiber. The article discusses the increased rate of domestic violence during tough economic times. Money is often the biggest stressor in a relationship, so it follows that during tough economic times, domestic violence will increase.
Local health experts say the tough economic times are taking a heavy physical toll as people struggle to cope with job losses, foreclosures and their own personal financial turmoil. Police are also seeing a jump in domestic violence.
"We’re going to homes where we haven’t been in the past for that issue," Plaistow Deputy Police Chief Kathleen Jones said.
She said police have seen a 10 percent increase in domestic cases over the past year.
Added financial pressures are causing tempers to flare and fights to break out, Epping police Lt. Michael Wallace said.
"I don’t think there are any social boundaries," he said. "I think it affects everyone. People we’ve never dealt with before are now all of a sudden experiencing emotions that they’ve never had before."
If you have are in danger from domestic violence, get help:
- Call 911
- Call your local crisis center
- Call the New Hampshire Statewide Hotline at 1-866-644-3574
- Call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE