During a divorce, the tax consquences of a settlement often take a backseat to heated issues such as parenting rights and asset division. However, tax consquences can have a very big impact on the outcome of a case and are an important factor to consider. Attorney Jason C. Brown of Brown Law Offices, P.A. posted an informative piece
Child Support
Child support as an election issue?
Until today, I had never considered child support enforcement as an election issue, especially with all the hot topics in this year’s presidential election. Usually issues such as the economy and the war in Iraq get all the press. However, I read a very interesting blog post from Attorney Stephen Worrall on his Georgia Family Law Blog titled Presidential…
Fontaine & Dunn: A parent who is incapacitated cannot be found to be voluntarily unemployed or underemployed
“voluntary unemployment”, “voluntary underemployment”, “In the Matter of Fontaine and Dunn”, “New Hampshire Supreme Court”, “RSA 458-C:2, IV(a)”…
Continue Reading Fontaine & Dunn: A parent who is incapacitated cannot be found to be voluntarily unemployed or underemployed
Caveat Emptor: Buyer beware of do-it-yourself divorce kits
I read an interesting blog post today from Attorney Shannon Cavers of the Houston Texas Divorce & Family Law Attorney Blog. The blog reviews the buyer beware issues of do-it-yourself divorce kits. Attorney Cavers warns: "If you received a medical diagnosis requiring surgical intervention, you would not opt to operate on yourself. The same holds…
Are uninsured medical expenses and extracurricular activities included in child support guildelines?
Clients often ask about including in their parenting plan a provision requiring both parents to contribute to a child’s extracurricular activity expenses and uninsured medical expenses. These issues were brought before the New Hampshire Supreme Court In the Matter of Cheryl Anne Coderre and Paul A. Coderre on September 30, 2002. The father appealed an…
Donovan: Enforcing orders for contribution to a child’s college expenses
On this blog, we review new domestic relations cases that are issued by the New Hampshire Supreme Court such as the recent Lemieux and Gendron and Plaistek opinions. However, there are many older opinions which are worth reviewing periodically. Here, we will review the case In the Matter of Tatjana A. Donovan and Robert F. …
New Hampshire child support formula
Child support in New Hampshire is calculated according to a formula set forth in RSA 458-C:3. The percentage of the parties’ income that will be the root of the calculation is based on how many children are receiving support.
Number of Children Percentage of Net Income
1 = 25 percent
2 = 33 percent
Where to get legal advice: An experienced attorney
I recently did a google search to see what came up for answers for "child support and college in New Hampshire." I came across a yahoo answers page in which somebody asked "do I have to pay child support when my child goes to college if I live in New Hampshire." It is a question that comes…
Child support arrearages and the federal stimulus check
Attorney Robert L. Mues posted a great blog this morning about the economic stimulus check and child support arrearage. The IRS is treating the stimulus check like a tax refund. If you owe child support, the IRS is seizing or reducing the funds to apply to your arrearage.
Attorney Mues writes:
So what do you do
Child Support and Social Security Benefits
When a parent paying child support receives social security benefits, whether disability or retirement, those benefits are considered income for the purposes of determining child support. A dependent child of a recipient of social security receives dependent benefits, and the benefits are paid to the custodial parent. These benefits are an integral part of the parent’s social security benefits, as…